Ginsai (silvered) Cloisonne Framed Picture with Shinju (sacred and auspicious creature)

Product number 712504
CategoryFramed Pictures
Base-price60,000 JPY
Price with tax 66,000 JPY
Size 額:37×42cm  七宝:18×24cm
Specifications (Others)Koma-Inu (Guardian dogs) 

Koma-Inu (Guardian dog) are regarded as imaginary beast creatures resembling lions and dogs in Japan. As a statue, it is either put on both sides of the entrance of a shrine or temple, or on the right and left side facing the front of the main shrine/main temple. Often it is placed facing the worshiper with its back to the temple or shrine that is to be protected. And in that case, a polled lion and a horned guardian dog are set as a pair. The guardian dog is to exorcise malevolence and it is considered to be the messenger of God.

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